Okay. So, in June I attended my first WHFB tournament and... I'm hooked. However! I played Ogre Kingdoms. Everyone played Ogre Kingdoms. I don't like doing what everyone else is doing.
My plan going forward is to attend 3 or 4 weekend events in the next year. Maybe Waaagh!Paca, though I am only on the waiting list, Circle City GT, ACON maybe, BITS definately... Buckeye Battle could be sweet but it falls really close to BITS. Anyway. I want to make 4 events, and I want to take the same army to all 4.
Choices... I have decided I don't want to play an army that is popular. Hell, I'm not going to win anyway. May as well just roll out something I think is unique and cool and see what happens. The armies I have in abundance are Ogres, Chaos Warriors. Daemons, High Elves, and Skaven.
Then I remembered my dear Brother in Law Japhrey. About 10 or so years ago Japhrey, or J.J, bought a huge army box of Bretonnians. Two years ago we went down to visit him in Florida for Christmas. I happened to ask him about that box as he never got around to actually playing with us. His reply was to give me that box.
It was just sitting there on a shelf. Along the way I had aquired some more knights and odds and ends from Chris Novak... I took down that box and started analyzing the contents.
My Brets:
1 Lord on Horse
1 Prophetess on Horse
1 Paladin BSB on Horse
1 Damsel on Foot
1 Field Trebuchet
30 Knights of the Realm
3 Pegasus Knights
5 Questing Knights
40 Peasant Bowman
Good start for sure.
So, I'm going to play Brets for the next year. BOOM!
First Knight is dedicated to a friend who also does a little hobby painting and modeling. He is also afflicted with a chronic illness. So... for him the first knight I paint has the colors of his beloved Michigan State Spartans, and anyone who knows me knows that this hurts a little... but he's a great dude.
Not 100% done yet. Still needs the shield design panted. But... here it is. The first of many.
Lookin' good!